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30 Days for Stretching, Cardio, Strength, Balance and Body Awareness Rent Bundle (34 videos) 30 Days for Stretching, Cardio, Strength, Balance and Body Awareness
Are you ready for this 30-Day Workout Challenge? PLUS BONUS of 5 Videos to stretch the Psoas! In this collection you will find a different/ unique video every single day of the month! A little preview here: Mondays: Back Strength & Stretch Tuesdays: Cardio Wednesdays: Stretch & combination of Hip Openers Thursday: Strong core, Strong Abs Friday: ALL NEW CARDIO videos Saturday: Balance & full body focus Sunday: Stretch & Meditation NO SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED! GET 1 YEAR ACCESS to this Collection for ONLY $47.95 (Reg. $67.97)
Total (including taxes)
USD $47.95  for 1 year rental
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